Monday, February 16, 2009

Call Me Cool

Ms Mixmaster Mack and I decided to come up with some band names of our own. Some have definitions by them. If they don't that means it wasn't in the dictionary, even though they are all real words, seriously. Tell me your favorite. Imagine them all being said in a really deep dramatic voice, they sound better that way.

Pseudovary Nonrotation Supercycle

Tawpy Subconcavity


Nontangental Unclannishness

Subrictal Nonimperialness

Preexplantion Xerobates

Underbeadle Lancepod

Squintingness Hypoalimentation (affliction of the squints and insufficient or inadequate nourishment)

Waxflowerl And Meeting

Demisability of Cameralism

Equivocacy found Preimpression

Unbedizened Diphylla

Nicaraguan Lawyerbush (nicaraguan stout-stemmed trailing shrub of New Zealand)

Entrada Submediation

Bombacaceous Unslippered (bloodsucking fly without slippers)

Aquilegia Trigonum

Unbombed Grias (anchovy pear tree that has not been bombed)

Make your own by going to the random word generator at and tell me what it is so I can add it to the list.

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