Monday, December 15, 2008

So it took one fun filled day of school for me to realize how incredibly stupid some people are. We start our day to find out just how highly our first hour teacher thinks of us when he walks in about 20 minutes after school has started saying something about how bad the roads are. All of the ice melted yesterday. No ice. No snow. Good roads. Stupid teacher.

Next we find ourselves seated in LA with, um, shall we call her Smiley. Yes indeed, the entire class every time we look up we find her smiling, not at anyone, just to herself, like she's remembered some funny joke. Had this been any other day, I might have found this amusing, but not today. Her smile was as unwanted as a black eye on picture day.

Third period and we return to yet another nearly incompetent teacher. When we question an answer, all we receive is a "oh, well, hum, moving on . . ." Yeah, that's how I learn best, when I'm mumbled at.

Then lunch. Oh, lunch. How lucky are we that half our school finds it necessary to hide their faces beneath layers of animal bi products. Not to sound stuck up, but how do your parents let you leave the hous like that.

Forth passes without anything note worthy.

Fifth starts with a rousing round of copy down everything I write up on the overhead for the next half hour, no talking, no eating, no drinking, no breathing. Then we move on to worksheets, same song, second verse.

Sixth, well, it's over.

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